Seeing yourself as divine, you are divinity in every cell. There is nothing substandard there. There is only light, no shadows. It is like we are always front-facing, whatever angle you are seen from. There is no shadow. That is how a truly awakened being sees you.

For those, like myself, on the path, the practice is to view everything as pure. In order to accomplish this, we choose an unquestionably qualified guru, ignoring titles and fame and carefully combing through his background for extensive Dharma education and history of, at the very minimum, a three year retreat, or its equivalent retreat accomplishment in segments. Your future guru needs to be all-front, the same person in public and private, naturally exemplifying evenness and compassion with the way they move their body, the way they talkβtheir mind 100% Buddha. Such a person always sees the divinity in you. Make sure they show that at all times, on rainy days as well as when the sun is out. Avoid putative gurus who make you feel unqualified or bad about yourself. Once you have settled on such a person you will use them as your first object to view purely, as fully awakened.
Brain science confirms what the Ancients knew: that we mentally mirror those people we interact with, that we pay attention to. You can see this in your everyday life; when you are speaking with someone intensely you smile when they smile, you yawn when they yawn. Right? Scientist also have observed on SPECT and fMRI scans that the areas that are lit up with activity in your conversation partnerβs brain are lit up in your brainβevery part of you is aligning with them.
There is a lot more to realization than this jelly-like brain, but it is helpful validation that we cannot resist being changed by who we direct our attention to. If you want to follow this path, direct your mind not only to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, but to the flesh and blood guide who is your personal Buddha, your personal Guru Rinpoche. After taking great care selecting this person, worthy of trust and great respect, gradually soften your resistance to them and let the sun of their wisdom and compassion illuminate you like the moon.